Sunday, September 26, 2010


Cider wins again!
He stares at himself in the mirror with his head resting on his hooves in such a way so that his face scrunches totally up.

  "I feel so wet inside..." He is thinking, "or is it, dry?"

  "I don't know how to explain this 1991 feeling I've got, but I've got it playing in my head like a movie I watched totally stoned, and blacked out at the end, and could barely pay attention to. How makes me writhe." He is thinking.

He thinks some more.
Swings. A swing set. Late November. Dead leaves. Bare trees. Chain link fence. Night time sky with clouds, or daytime sky that's white. Plaid things. Earth tones. unmowed dead lawn. Drinking a 40 oz-Olde English. "I've never drank a 40 outside."

Cider doesn't want to think about it anymore, 'cause it's upsetting to have lost memories that aren't lost so much as false. Like in Bladerunner. Maybe he's like that.
Maybe he's lived twice.
Maybe he's lived parallel to himself in two bodies at one time but at slightly different times.
Cider is getting old because he can see his face wrinkle up. Drinking so much can't  help.
Cider takes out the trash.
It's starting to snow, which he loves... but cannot feel such abstract emotions at this time. It is overwhelming. Overbearing. Maybe just a game he plays.

Cider thinks,

  "I'd like to go to the cemetery to walk on the dead. To walk on their bones and their souls."

He gets in the car and drives while his windshield gets speckled with snowflakes.
He sees a guy walking down the road. The same guy he always sees walking down the road.

  "I want to hear some good music right now...What's on the radio? A hot chip cover of the song Transmission. Sucks."

Cider thinks of crashing the car in the lake. It's frozen and would probably make a great, shattering cacophony as his car plunged in and cracked the ice. It would be enormous enough to be insanely awesome.
Cider parks at the cemetery and gets out, lighting a cigarette and taking a swig from his flask. Drinking in public is totally fun for Cider. His very own secret.

  "I can't wait to die and let my body disintegrate into the earth." Cider thinks as he shuffles around on the graves.

  "How lovely -- I don't know why anyone would want to burn."

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